
Well having a guy best friend is really fun and amazing, and to be frank this is something many people can relate to. So without saying anything further here are 5 reasons why having a guy friend is amazing,

  1. Egos don’t clash. A guy’s ego clashes with his guy friend, a girl’s ego clashes with her girl friend but in case of a guy-gal friend, egos rarely clash. Continuing  from that, fights are never THAT serious (most of them), but even if they are serious, things solve pretty easily as there is no ego problem as compared to a fight with one of your female friends.
  2. A guy friend is the best person to discuss about your boy friend problems as he will be able to tell you what’s going in his mind, I mean being a guy they would think similarly.
  3. Talking is easier. You aren’t continuing bitching about someone like gal friends do, which leads to mental peace (I mean I end up having a headache if I continue bitching for a long time, I don’t like it at all!).
  4. You don’t have to give him gifts, even if it is his birthday (well its true in my case).
  5. You can discuss about sex with him freely. Ask queries about things related to it. Its like seeing sex by a guy’s point of view.

“A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be sitting next to you saying, ‘Damn, that was fun’!”
―     Kate Angell,     Curveball


4 responses »

  1. Sad part is Guy-Girl Friendship is unstable, eventually one of them starts to fall for the other. From this point on, the relationship is destined to doom.
    Please give us tips on how to increase this time period of healthy friendship, the one you are talking about.


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